Archery: September
Rifle: November
Archery elk, especially big bulls in the 320+ category at an affordable price point, are extremely rare. But WTA TAGS has secured one of the finest destinations for such a hunt. This outfitter controls 30,000-acre and 50,000-acre ranches near each other. Within the ranches, there are 27 miles of cottonwood-covered river valleys with irrigated crop fields primarily consisting of corn, hay, and wheat. As you climb out of the valley, the landscape changes to pine-covered hills, ridges, and meadows. Elk populations on the ranch will vary but yearly counts vary between 400–800 animals with a bull/cow ratio of approximately 50 to 100. Limited off-take a robust elk herd ensures you will target mature, trophy-class bulls.
Archery season takes place from early September through mid-October. The first two weeks of the season will focus on pre-scouted bulls that have been patterned and are quite susceptible to being harvested. During the last four weeks of the season, the rut will take place and the bulls will have cows gathered that they will fiercely defend. One can expect to primarily utilize spot-and-stalk techniques in conjunction with some calling and the occasional tree stand or ground blind. If mobility issues are present, hunts can be exclusively conducted from blinds and stands. Shots will typically land in the 30–60-yard range.
For those who prefer combo hunts, you can add a whitetail and antelope to this trip. Deer hunts will be from tree stands and ground blinds, antelope will be ground blinds and spot and stalk. Realistic trophy potential on deer is 130–150 and antelope will range from 70–80+. To add the whitetail, you must have a big-game combo tag in hand. Antelope requires a permit area draw.
Lodging is conveniently situated at the edge of the riverbank by way of newly built cabins equipped with double occupancy rooms with shared baths. A separate building contains a large dining room and kitchen where home cooked meals will be prepared.
This hunt does require a Montana general elk tag and permit 704 area elk tag. If you have questions about this hunt, would like to book, or would like assistance applying for the Montana draw, please contact WTA TAGS at 1-800-755-8247 or email us at
Archery (6 days-1X1): $13,500
Rifle (6 days-1X1): $15,500
Deer: $1,000 (If Available)
Antelope: $1,000 (If Available)
License & Tag: $1,000 (approx)
Lodging is conveniently situated at the edge of the riverbank by way of newly built cabins equipped with double occupancy rooms with shared baths. A separate building contains a large dining room and kitchen where home cooked meals will be prepared.
Sample Itinerary
Day 1: Travel from home to Billings Montana where you will rent a vehicle and drive approx. 2 hours and 30 minutes to the ranch near Garland Montana (outfitter will provide directions). Please arrive between 3:00-5:00. Upon arrival you will have the opportunity to settle into your room and shoot your bow.
Day 2-7: Hunting days.
Day 8: Travel from the ranch to home. Please plan to depart by 9:00 AM.
Easy: Somewhat easy walking when it comes to physicality. Minimal walking or hiking and terrain is very accessible. Mostly hunting from blinds or tree stands.
Moderate: Physicality is somewhat moderate to advanced. Spot and stalk method of hunting as well as some hunting from blinds. Terrain can vary from prairies to mountains at higher elevations.
Difficult: Requires an advanced degree of physical endurance. Terrain is typically more mountainous and hunting can take place at higher elevation.
Extreme: Most difficult and physically demanding hunts. Requires advanced to extreme endurance and terrain or game pursued may involve dangerous situations.
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