Book Now. Pay Later.
Book Now. Pay Later.
WTA is committed to excellence in every aspect of your trip experience, including the way you pay for your adventure. That’s why we’ve partnered with Skeps to offer you comprehensive payment plans.
Choose the flexible way you prefer to pay.
Small Payments
Discover the payment plans available for your specific adventure of a lifetime.
Zero Credit Score Impact to Check Eligibility
Select the amount and terms that work for you.*
Instant Qualification
Get an approval decision instantly, and get back to planning your adventure.
Terms and Conditions
* Financing options available for purchases up to $12,000. You must be 18, a resident of the U.S. and meet credit eligibility to qualify. Rates vary depending on your creditworthiness. Please note that all applicants may not qualify for the lowest rate. Details will be available in the Loan Agreement during the checkout process.