Savannah hunts start in December and run through March
Go for a unique and unforgettable hunting experience with the leader in Cameroon hunting! Our savannah areas are located in the North of Cameroon, between the National Parks Boubandjida and La Benoue. This is the best area for the famous Lord Derby Eland as well as elephants, western roans, northwestern buffalo, Western hartebeest, Borhor reedbuck, kob, Sing-sing waterbuck, harnessed bushbuck and and a lot of unique duiker species that you can only find in very few countries throughout Africa!
The savannah season goes from Christmas to mid-April, with the best time for eland in the early season. Long term shot opportunity on Lord Derby Eland is  100%.
Our outfitter is running an active and efficient anti-poaching program for twelve years now, which also includes educating the local population about conservation. Many clients also bring SCI Blue Bag with them on safari to assist the villages.
Excellent food, comfortable camps and very nice staff are awaiting you!
1×1-15-day schedule with 13-hunting days
Lord Derby Eland safaris $44,000 or $52,000 depending upon camp
Buffalo and Roan safaris (no eland) $20,000
Big-game license allows for taking of 2 species in Group A and 4 from Group B & C combined
Group A
Lord Derby Eland 3,500E
North Western buffalo 1,800
Elephant 4,000 non importable
Western roan 2,000
Group B
Western hartebeest 800E
Nigerian Bohor reedbuck 450E
Western kob 400E
Warthog 400E
Group C
Western Flanked duiker 300E
Red-flanked duiker 375E
Oribi 300E
Baboon 200E
Python 325E
Civet cat 250E
2,500E Special category license – allows for waterbuck, bushbuck and another 4 different animals from Group B & C (without repeating any species)
Sing-Sing waterbuck 900E
Harnessed bushbuck 500E
Savannah Medium Safari
1×1-8-day schedule with 6-hunting days
$9,000 – call for details
6 species from Groups B & C combined
Group B
Western hartebeest 800E
Nigerian Bohor reedbuck 450E
Western kob 400E
Warthog 400E
Group C
Western Flanked duiker 300E
Red-flanked duiker 375E
Oribi 300E
Baboon 200E
Python 325E
Civet cat 250E
Trophy fees subject to change
Observers – $300/day/person
Elephants are not importable into the US
Prices are approximate and may vary depending on exchange rate of the euro.
1,000E Big-game license arranged by outfitter
2,500E Special category license
Professional hunter
Tracking dogs
Full camp staff
Meals and beverages – beer and wine in reasonable quantities with meals
Field care of trophies
Reception and customs/police process in Douala
Trophy fees
10% governmental village tax on trophy fees
Hunting permit
Dip/pack/export of trophies
Firearm tax entry – approx. 150- E per rifle
Satellite phone
Firearm rental and ammo
Trip insurance
Ripcord insurance
shipping trophies home
Hotels/meals before and after hunt
Day 1: Depart from home and fly to Douala, Cameroon via Paris
Outfitter will meet, clear customs and check you into the hotel for an overnight stay
Day 2: Fly on to Garoua, where you will be met by the outfitter and transferred to camp, approximately 4 hours
Your scheduled trip dates – full days
Departure Itinerary
Day 1: Travel from Camp to Garoua where you will fly to Douala and overnight
Day 2: Fly Douala to US via Paris
Easy: Somewhat easy walking when it comes to physicality. Minimal walking or hiking and terrain is very accessible. Mostly hunting from blinds or tree stands.
Moderate: Physicality is somewhat moderate to advanced. Spot and stalk method of hunting as well as some hunting from blinds. Terrain can vary from prairies to mountains at higher elevations.
Difficult: Requires an advanced degree of physical endurance. Terrain is typically more mountainous and hunting can take place at higher elevation.
Extreme: Most difficult and physically demanding hunts. Requires advanced to extreme endurance and terrain or game pursued may involve dangerous situations.
Our Location
Office Hours