Archery – August 15 – October 4
Rifle – October 5 – 31
This amazing ranch outside of Douglas, Wyoming encompasses over 300,000 private acres. With pine ridges leading into large sage and grass-covered draws and basins, this is in the heart of some of the finest antelope habitat in the country. These two-day antelope hunts have been 100% successful on above-average antelope for many years. The style of hunting is spot-and-stalk, while you cover ground in 4-wheel drive vehicles, using strategic glassing spots to locate the buck you are after. Once you have found the right buck the hunt will proceed on foot to get into range for your shot. The accommodations on this hunt are second to none, with an incredible lodge and well-trained staff, to make sure that every need is taken care of. If you are interested in hunting on this amazing property, give us a call today and we can help you in taking care of all the details associated with this hunt. This antelope tag is 100% draw with 2 points. WTA TAGS can handle the application process on your behalf.
$4,000 2×1
$4,500 1×1
Observer = $500
2 Day Hunts
$341 – Computer draw – deadline late May. Contact WTA TAGS to talk to a consultant for professional application assistance 1-800-755-8247
Sample Itinerary
Day 1: Depart from home and fly to Casper Wyoming. Rent a car and drive to camp, directions furnished by outfitter
Day 2-3: Your scheduled trip dates – full days
Day 4: Depart hotel for home
Easy: Somewhat easy walking when it comes to physicality. Minimal walking or hiking and terrain is very accessible. Mostly hunting from blinds or tree stands.
Moderate: Physicality is somewhat moderate to advanced. Spot and stalk method of hunting as well as some hunting from blinds. Terrain can vary from prairies to mountains at higher elevations.
Difficult: Requires an advanced degree of physical endurance. Terrain is typically more mountainous and hunting can take place at higher elevation.
Extreme: Most difficult and physically demanding hunts. Requires advanced to extreme endurance and terrain or game pursued may involve dangerous situations.
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