WTA TAGS recently added two very exciting adventures to apply for in Alaska: Roosevelt elk and Kodiak brown bear. Both hunts take place on Afognak Island and offer an awesome experience if you are fortunate enough to draw.

Roosevelt Elk
The Roosevelt elk is the largest-bodied elk in North America and is a required species to accomplish the Super Slam of North American Big Game. It is also one of the most difficult species to obtain. Their core range includes the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest, but they are also found on Kodiak Alaska’s Afognak and Raspberry Islands.
WTA TAGS now offers application services for Alaska’s Roosevelt elk, and if drawn, our outfitter offers a yacht-based, first-class adventure. Your odds of drawing this amazing tag are typically better than 1 in 10. Success rates are excellent for those who are both physically and mentally prepared. The terrain is steep and the weather…well, it’s Alaska, it could be absolutely beautiful or a raging torrent. Two things are certain though: 1) coming back to a 64-foot yacht after a long day afield makes for nice accommodations, and 2) this outfitter will do his level best to make sure your chances of success are maximized.
Whether you’re trying to pursue your North American 29 or just want to experience one of the great adventures in big game hunting, boat-based hunting in Alaska, then consider applying for this tag today.

Kodiak Brown Bear
Afognak is an island in the Kodiak Archipelago and is a world-class location to pursue one of the most magnificent creatures to roam the Earth: the Kodiak brown bear!
If drawn (odds of approximately 1 in 3) this hunt is conducted from a 64-foot yacht with one of the most seasoned and respected captains/outfitters in the business. Also, a large majority of the hunt area consists of native corporation land, further improving the quality of this brown bear hunt.
In conjunction with the big boat, hunts will be conducted by use of 14–16-foot skiffs as you cruise the shorelines glassing the mountainside and the tidal flats until a mature bear is spotted. This is a hunt for some of the largest brown bears in the world. Bears squaring between 9–10 feet are the target. On a good day, it is not uncommon to glass multiple bears right from the yacht. On a bad day, the yacht is nice protection from mother nature. Like any Alaskan adventure, this can often be a physical hunt with challenging weather. Mental and physical fitness are required. However, the reward of possibly harvesting the most magnificent species in North America is immense.
WTA TAGS Deadline: December 15
The WTA TAGS deadline to apply for Alaska’s limited-entry big-game tags is December 15th. To discuss applying for one of these incredible adventures, please give our office a call at 800-755-TAGS (8247) and ask to speak to one of our knowledgeable TAGS Consultants. Or send us an email and we’ll contact you.