Odd Years: October 7-21 approx.
Even Years: May 10-25 approx.
This trophy brown bear hunt takes place in the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Refuge, in an exclusive guide-use area where the outfitter takes a very limited number of hunters each year. The peninsula is extremely remote and wild, and is composed of scenic mountain drainages, coastal beaches, and rivers and streams that are loaded with a variety of protein rich salmon in the Summer and Fall. This protein rich diet in conjunction with good genetics provides the perfect recipe for producing monster bears.
Our outfitter here has called the Alaska bush home for over thirty years. When he’s not outfitting, he lives off the grid with his family running his trap line. He has guided for all of the major species in the state for many years. His experience in the industry is top notch, having learned from the best. The guides are also full time Alaskan’s who know the country and animals intimately.
You’ll be flown in by bush plane to a remote landing strip and spike camp. All hunts are guided 1×1. Camps consist of dome style tents with cots and plenty of food. Be prepared for long days on the hills glassing the snow fields and hills sides in the Spring as bears are gradually emerging from their dens in search of sows. Fall hunts are spent glassing the many salmon streams in the area as bears gorge on the protein rich fish prior to hibernation. This is big country that requires mental toughness and patience. Due to the limited availability, hunts are typically reserved well over a year in advance. #616
1 spot $1,500 DISCOUNT!
October 7-16,2025 – $28000.00
October 7-21, 2025 – $32000.00
This is a great opportunity to pursue giant brown bears!!
Fall 2025: 10-days $29,500; 15-days $33,500
Spring 2026: 10-days $30,500; 16-days $34,500
Approx: Charter fee $2500 WTA will collect
$160 license, $1,000 brown bear tag, $150 APHA fee
Approx: $2500 Charter Fee WTA will collect
1×1 guide, meals, tent camp accomadations, in-field transportation and trophy care of game
$2,000 charter approx. WTA will collect
Sample Schedule (16-day Spring hunt):
Day 1: Fly to Anchorage AK and overnight at area hotel.
Day 2: Fly to King Salmon where you may need to overnight (pending weather) at Antlers Inn or charter to camp. $2,000 charter flight is from King Salmon to camp and back, payable in cash to outfitter.
Days 3 – 18: Sixteen day hunt.
Day 19 – Charter back to King Salmon and overnight at Antlers Inn.
Day 20 – Return to Anchorage and continue home.
Easy: Somewhat easy walking when it comes to physicality. Minimal walking or hiking and terrain is very accessible. Mostly hunting from blinds or tree stands.
Moderate: Physicality is somewhat moderate to advanced. Spot and stalk method of hunting as well as some hunting from blinds. Terrain can vary from prairies to mountains at higher elevations.
Difficult: Requires an advanced degree of physical endurance. Terrain is typically more mountainous and hunting can take place at higher elevation.
Extreme: Most difficult and physically demanding hunts. Requires advanced to extreme endurance and terrain or game pursued may involve dangerous situations.
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