This trophy black bear hunt takes place in the northeast part of the 1.7 million-acre White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation in east-central Arizona. Several of the top Boone and Crockett black bears have come off this Reservation. In fact, this outfitter took the state record bear recently. A tremendous trophy with a skull of over 22″!  This is a high-success, low-volume hunt with only a couple of hunters in camp per week. Hunts are conducted over bait in the Spring and Summer. In fact, some of the largest boars are taken during the July rut! Due to the higher elevation (over 8,000′) the bear hides are good all Summer long! No other black bear hunt in North America offers this seclusion, skull size, color-phase percentage, and low-volume hunting pressure. Our success on big, colored bears is unrivaled. Over 50% of the bears our hunters harvest are 7 feet or better with lots of color phase bears. Our hunter shot opportunities are extremely high. Plus you have the option to hunt two bears! All of this, plus no pesky mosquitoes! Accommodations are included in a simple travel trailer. This is a no frills hunt.  Hunters wishing for a little more comfort can stay (at their expense) at the White Mountain Apache Hotel and Casino, only 10 miles from camp. Rifle or muzzleloader hunting only. #606
$5,000 (April-August)
$3,500 2nd bear (paid for in advance)
Plus 7% tax.
$6,000 (April-August)
$4,000 2nd bear (paid for in advance)
Plus 7% tax.
$505/tag. Mail a check to the outfitter prior to your hunt and your tag will be waiting in camp for you.
**HUNTER EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENT. Required if born after December 31, 1960. A copy must be sent to the outfitter after booking the hunt in order to purchase a tribal bear license.
Camp, meals, guide services..
7% tax, gratuity, license, personal items.
Sample Itinerary
Sunday: Fly to Albuquerque or Phoenix, rent a vehicle, and drive to camp near Hon-dah, AZ. Contact your outfitter for directions.
Monday – Friday: Hunt black bear.
Saturday: Departure day.
Easy: Somewhat easy walking when it comes to physicality. Minimal walking or hiking and terrain is very accessible. Mostly hunting from blinds or tree stands.
Moderate: Physicality is somewhat moderate to advanced. Spot and stalk method of hunting as well as some hunting from blinds. Terrain can vary from prairies to mountains at higher elevations.
Difficult: Requires an advanced degree of physical endurance. Terrain is typically more mountainous and hunting can take place at higher elevation.
Extreme: Most difficult and physically demanding hunts. Requires advanced to extreme endurance and terrain or game pursued may involve dangerous situations.
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