Tags Drawn and Lessons Learned

by Eric Pawlak – (Director WTA TAGS) Boy, have I made some mistakes … The greatest tag I’ve ever drawn was a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep tag in Montana. After studying the data, I applied for the tag I estimated to have the very best non-resident odds of drawing. This...


KIDS APPLY FREE FOR TAGS WITH WTA by Mark Peterson The TAGS division of Worldwide Trophy Adventures (WTA) wants to assist our young people in hunting for some of the most coveted big game trophies in the United States.  Therefore, we have a program where our WTA TAGS licensing application...

Triple Threat – Mule Deer

Muzzleloader Mule Deer in Colorado, by Mark Peterson In his quest for the North America 29 X 3, by taking each with a Rifle, Muzzleloader & Bow, Mark Peterson shares his hunt stories in a series we call “Triple Threat”. One of the best areas period in the west to...

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