The Arizona deer and sheep deadline on June 4, 2024 marks the end of another application season. There are a few minor draws and point-only periods coming up in 2024, but the major deadlines have passed and the draw results have been posted. I hope 2024 was your year to draw an awesome tag! If not, you’ve built another valuable bonus point for your future. That’s the name of the game!
If you successfully drew a tag, you received a call from your dedicated WTA TAGS consultant informing you of your good fortune. If you drew a tag and haven’t booked with an outfitter, this needs immediate attention. WTA’s owner Mark Peterson said it best: “After finally drawing a great tag…don’t screw it up at the end…hire a reputable outfitter!”
Arizona Deadlines
Arizona has a staggered deadline for its limited-entry big game tags. June 4, 2024 marks the deadline to apply for deer and sheep tags. For deer, we’re talking about mule deer and coues deer. And for sheep, desert bighorn and Rocky Mountain bighorn are both available.

Mule Deer vs. Coues Deer
Applicants in Arizona are restricted to one deer application. The state considers two choices on the application. You can utilize two mule deer choices, or two coues deer choices, or one choice for each. For example, first choice mule deer, second choice coues deer.
Consider this quick, low-level consultation when deciding how to apply for deer in Arizona. Arizona boasts the best mule deer hunting in North America. It is truly the land of 200″. However, these deer reside in a handful of units with VERY limited non-resident tags. This is a tag you may never draw in your lifetime.
Arizona also boasts the best coues deer hunting in the West. Early hunts in October and November can easily be drawn with 0–3 bonus points and we offer highly successful adventures with our TAGS-endorsed outfitters. The more sought-after late coues hunts in December are more difficult to draw, but the tag can be drawn within 8 years, hopefully sooner.

Desert Bighorn vs. Rocky Mountain Bighorn
In Arizona, applicants are also restricted to one sheep application. The state considers two choices on the application. You can utilize two desert choices, two rocky choices, or one choice for each. Apply for first choice desert bighorn sheep, second choice Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.
This one is easy. If you don’t have a desert, apply both first and second choice for desert bighorn sheep. Arizona offers non-residents far more desert tags than Rocky tags. Also, most of their desert bighorn sheep units produce high quality rams.
I hope the 2024 application season was kind to you. If a tag didn’t come your way, be persistent. As your points accumulate, good things start to happen. If 2024 passed you by and you haven’t been applying for the best tags in the country, don’t fret. As I mentioned earlier, a few applications are still worth considering for this year—you can still build valuable points in Wyoming and Montana for most of their big game species. The point-only application deadlines for these states are several months out.
Call a WTA TAGS consultant today and begin planning for the future in Western big game hunting. And ask about our Women and Children First Program. We offer professional licensing services free of charge to kids under 19 years old and licensing for female clients is offered at 50% off!
From the entire crew a WTA TAGS, have a great summer, try to stay in relatively decent physical shape for the fall, and we’ll call you if you draw an Arizona tag. Good luck!