Let’s begin by covering the upcoming Alaska big game draw for limited-entry tags. The deadline to apply for 2024 hunts is December 15, 2023. That’s only one month from now! WTA TAGS offers application services for Roosevelt elk, mountain goat, Dall sheep, brown bear, caribou, moose, bison, muskox, and emperor goose in Alaska. The draw areas of Alaska typically offer the best hunting for these species. There isn’t a point system in place, so you should only apply if you’re serious about heading out on an Alaskan adventure in 2024. Our WTA TAGS consults can answer all of your questions about big game hunting in Alaska. They’re just a phone call away.

I just returned from a Roosevelt elk hunt on Alaska’s Afognak Island and I want to give some extra attention to this species. For the past 20 years, I’ve traveled almost exclusively to hunting-related destinations. After dozens of hunting adventures, this Roosey hunt on Afognak makes my top 5 list for pure adventure and high-quality hunting. This yacht-based hunt for this magnificent species of elk was completely awesome.

WTA TAGS client George Davis, who resides just outside Cleveland, Ohio, was fortunate enough to draw both a mountain goat tag on Kodiak and this Roosevelt elk tag on Afognak in the same year. I was a little nervous about the expense and time crunch George would face. I felt a bit intimidated when I dialed his number to tell him of his incredible fortune. George, being the hardworking businessman and ardent sportsman he is, booked ’em both!

I had personally never laid eyes on a Roosevelt elk. And while I’ve been to Kodiak twice before, I’d never hunted Afognak. I asked George and our WTA TAGS-endorsed outfitter if I could come along on this epic adventure. WTA TAGS consultant Jordan Roche also accompanied us. A Roosevelt bull elk is, on average, 30% heavier than its Rocky Mountain cousin…so the more packers, the better! Another first for me was hunting Alaska from a 65-foot yacht. If you’ve never experienced one of the boat-based hunts in Alaska, I highly recommend adding this to your bucket list.

The entire experience was fantastic: prehistoric-looking elk, color phase fox combing the beaches for food, breaching killer whales all around, gorgeous collector species sea-ducks, fantastic food, and an awesome crew. It truly was the trip of a lifetime. I hope these images do justice to what a special place Afognak Island is!

If hunting Roosevelt elk is something you’re considering, this is one of the best hunts in North America for this species. The odds of drawing the tag are reasonable, but you can’t miss the December 15 application deadline. For more information about this hunt or any of the species I mentioned, please feel free to call WTA TAGS to discuss these adventures in detail. Make 2024 your best year ever!