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Turkey Time!

by Tim Herald

It doesn’t get much better than sitting in the turkey woods with dark sliding into dawn, songbirds singing, a gentle breeze blowing, and then a thunderous gobble breaking up the peaceful morning as a big boss tom announces his presence. Spring turkey season is a special time of year, and millions of hunters take to the field each spring in pursuit of gobblers and the fun they provide.

The wild turkey Grand Slam is taking the four subspecies (Osceola, Eastern, Rio Grande, and Merriam’s) that live in the US. Add in the Gould’s, and it’s a Royal Slam. Add in the beautiful ocellated turkey, and you have a World Slam. A slam does not have to be completed in the same year, and many hunters target 1–2 subspecies a year until they complete the slams.

We have high-quality outfitters for all the subspecies, and they attain super-high success rates each year. If you don’t have a turkey hunt or two planned for spring 2023, you’re a little behind. But rest assured that we still have some high-quality openings for the coming season.

Osceola Turkey

The Osceola is found only in Florida, is known for not gobbling as much as other subspecies. It has blacker primary wing feathers and big, sharp spurs. Hunting takes place in March and April and many folks get a jumpstart on their home season by going to Florida early. WTA’s Osceola outfitter has enjoyed 100% success during the past two seasons and has prime hunting ground with lots of birds. Right now, we are running a special on these quality hunts…don’t wait to learn more about this hunt!

Eastern Turkey

WTA also works with a fantastic eastern wild turkey camp in Kentucky that offers 3-day, 2-bird hunts that are guided 1×1. I have hunted out of this camp for many years each spring, and it is some of the best eastern hunting I have seen anywhere in the US. Central Kentucky’s rolling countryside with a good mix of woods and fields is perfect turkey habitat, and it lends itself to hunting Bluegrass gobblers. It is not uncommon to take birds in the 23-26 pound range, and I have personally taken birds that tipped the scale at 28 and 29 pounds here. There are only a few spots remaining for 2023, so if this is of interest, check it out now!

Merriam’s Turkey

The Merriam’s, with their white-tipped tail feathers, are the most beautiful of the US turkey subspecies, and they are incredibly fun to hunt. Generally, Merriam’s are quite vocal in spring, are known to be very receptive to calling, and will often come long distances when responding.

WTA has an outfitter in Montana where hunters can pursue true Merriam’s turkeys, stay in a deluxe lodge, and eat wonderful meals. These hunts take place in April and May and are sure to be action packed and exciting as they are typically 100% successful. It is getting increasingly harder to find true, pure Merriam’s turkeys that are not hybrids. This hunt gives hunters the opportunity to hunt pure-strain birds.

No matter what subspecies of turkey you want to hunt, WTA can help you get in the right camp for success. Don’t let this spring slip by without getting in a turkey hunting trip or two. I know I won’t.

Call us at 800-346-8747 to discuss or book a turkey hunt.

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