The other day, while sitting in my office in Sidney, Nebraska, I overheard one of my WTA TAGS teammates use the word, “under-rated” when referring to the elk hunting in Wyoming. I got to thinking about that statement and it occurred to me just how accurate he was. Plain and simple, Wyoming is an elk hunter’s paradise. Not only does the entire state produce quality bulls, it also offers what has to be the most diverse elk habitat in the West. Furthermore, the drawing odds in Wyoming are far friendlier to non-residents than in any other Western state.

When we think of the country’s best elk hunting, states like Arizona, Utah and New Mexico often come to the forefront of most sportsmen’s minds. These states do offer excellent elk hunting, but the fact that Wyoming sometimes gets left off this list, is a grave mistake. In fact, if you were going to choose only one state to apply for elk and to build points in, Wyoming should probably be front-and-center.

First off, when you consider elk quality in relation to drawing odds, Wyoming is the big winner. Arizona, Utah, New Mexico – these states, on average, can often take a decade or more to draw a quality elk tag. In Wyoming, 16% of the elk tags are allocated to non-residents. Furthermore, 25% of these non-resident tags are issued randomly, giving Wyoming a huge edge when it comes to non-resident drawing odds. Take Wyoming’s general elk tag for example; with as little as two preference points, you are guaranteed to draw. WTA TAGS has outfitters in place with huge private ranches, sitting in general areas, that provide some of the most incredible elk hunting on the planet.

Now let’s talk about diversity of habitat. Wyoming wins yet again, hands down. From the sprawling private ranches in the East, to the vast wilderness of the West, or head north to Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains or back down to its southern desert – Wyoming has, by far, the most diverse elk habitat found anywhere in the West. There is something for everyone in the great state of Wyoming and elk tags abound.

The easiest way to sort this out is to simply call 1-800-755-TAGS(8247) and ask to speak to a WTA TAGS Consultant. Together you will discuss your hunting goals and a plan will be put together. However, you must act now. The deadline to apply for Wyoming’s elk tag is February 1st.

With many hunting camps booking up across the West because of the international border closures due to Covid and other related complications, this would be an excellent year to try and draw a limited tag. The outfitters operating in the limited elk areas of Wyoming always have availability because of the draw-related nature of their business. Remember with 25% of Wyoming’s elk tags being issued randomly, somebody has to draw. – It may as well be you! And hey, if you don’t draw, you’ll obtain a valuable preference point which will help you in the future. Either way, you can’t go wrong. Give us a call today!