I knew I was in for something special when I booked a moose hunt in British Columbia with Worldwide Trophy Adventures. I’d heard stories about the vast wilderness and massive Canadian moose up there and I couldn’t wait to hit the trail. Trading the familiar hills of Pike County, Georgia for the untamed Canadian Rockies, I was stepping into a totally different type of hunting with my bow in hand.
Things kicked off with a series of flights that ended in Whitehorse, Yukon. We spent a restful night in Whitehorse and grabbed a bite to eat at the Dirty Northern. Early the next morning, we jumped on a floatplane for the 90-minute flight of a lifetime. Rugged mountains, untouched rivers, and deep blue lakes stretched as far as I could see. Epic. We were at the edge of the world. Landing at base camp, I met my guides, Dawson and Luke. We shared a hearty meal, double-checked our gear, and hit the sack. We’d be trekking to spike camp in the morning.
At dawn, we loaded up the horses and forded a river. It was the start of a grueling 7-hour hike to spike camp. The guides moved like mountain goats while I nursed a two-week-old leg injury from a run-in with a chainsaw back home. It was a constant reminder to take it slow and steady. By the time we reached spike camp, we were deep in moose country.
Our spike camp was bare bones but perfect. A few tents tucked in the trees and a simple campfire setup gave it the nice home-away-from-home feel that many of us hunters love. That first night, we were able to get a bull to respond to our calls. He answered from a ways off but never showed. It was just enough to get our blood pumping for the next few days.

On day two we were up with the sun, fueled by strong coffee and lingering excitement. We spent the day scanning a meadow from a glassing point, hoping to catch a bull cruising for a hot cow. By evening, all we’d seen was a lone cow. We trudged back to camp empty-handed but eager to try new ground the next day.
Early the next morning, a bull with a mid-40″ spread was spotted just over a nearby ridge. As we made our way in his direction, an even bigger bull chased him off. This behemoth, flanked by two cows, was headed our way. Dawson and I quickly set up in a patch of brush, hoping to call him in to bow range.
Dawson’s calling was spot on. The bull turned his massive head our way and started lumbering toward us. When he broke through the trees, my heart nearly stopped. He was enormous. He came within 80 yards but wouldn’t quite close the distance for a bow shot. Knowing the moment was slipping away, I swapped my bow for Dawson’s rifle. I took a deep breath, steadied myself, and slowly squeezed the trigger. The giant was down in seconds.
Walking up to that moose was the definition of humbling. The sheer size of the animal was overwhelming. The bull’s antlers measured 56″ wide with rounded-off points and massive front paddles that screamed “old bull.” Truly a once-in-a-lifetime booner moose. The excitement on Dawson’s and Luke’s faces said it all. This was rare. We spent the next few hours field dressing, capping, and packing out the meat.

That night at spike camp, we gorged ourselves on fresh backstraps over an open fire. We swapped stories and relived the day’s hunt over and over again. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect end to a day in the BC wilderness.
As we trudged back to basecamp, I was struck by the sheer magnitude of what I’d just experienced. The lofty mountains, the separation from the modern world, and the camaraderie with Dawson and Luke, along with that final moment of sweet success, made this moose hunt everything I’d hoped for.
If you’re thinking about a moose hunt, WTA’s setup in British Columbia offers something truly special. The landscape is largely untouched, the game is abundant, and every moment is an adventure. If you’re ready to chase true northern giants, contact WTA’s team and start planning your next big adventure. Trust me, it’ll be a hunt to tell your grandkids about.