The Rocky Mountain Elk is probably the most iconic big game animal in the West. It’s every hunter’s dream hunt, and once you’ve experienced it, you’re hooked. It’s a hunt many people will do multiple times in their hunting career and even every Fall. WTA books more customers on elk hunts than any other species in North America. We have the BEST team of consultants in the industry and are constantly researching new areas and networking with our current outfitters so that we have plenty to offer our valued customers. Whether it’s a private land hunt from a deluxe lodge or a wilderness horseback hunt from a tent camp, regardless of the weapon, rest assured that our team will have you covered. The demand for hunting, especially in the U.S., is as high as we’ve ever seen it. So give our consultants, with over 100 combined years in the industry, a call to plan your next elk hunt. We’ve already done the research.

Southern New Mexico Elk Hunting Outfitter – Guaranteed Tag
Southern New Mexico offers some of the finest elk hunting in the West and this outfitter has been hosting hunters for many years with great success. These properties are home to a very healthy population of elk with great genetics. The properties are lightly hunted, often only taking a few hunters at a time. First-class accommodations are all part of the experience. The area is home to an abundance of elk, especially later in the season!
Archery: September 20-24
Rifle: October 10-14, November 6-10, November 18-22, November 27-December 1, December 11-15,
December 18-22

Northern New Mexico Elk Hunting Outfitter
This 20,000-acre ranch in northern New Mexico is incredible and borders other well-known trophy elk properties such as Vermejo Park and the once-in-a-lifetime draw area known as the Valle Vidal. This is a high-success hunt for quality animals with a guaranteed tag (no draw required). A rustic, yet comfortable, cabin is located on the property. PRIME dates just opened up on this ranch: October 9-13! We can take eight hunters this week.

Northwestern Colorado Private-Land Elk Hunt
This family-run outfit in northwest Colorado takes a limited number of hunters on their ranch each season. They have about 6,000 acres of some of the most picture-perfect, big-game habitat in the West. Northwest Colorado is known for its abundance of wildlife and these properties are home to a healthy population of elk and mule deer. In fact, this part of Colorado is home to the highest density of elk in the country and the success rate here is second to none on rifle and archery hunts.
Rifle elk only: October 16-20, October 30-November 3
Rifle deer only: November 13-17

Awesome Private Ranch in Southern New Mexico – Includes Landowner Tag!
Here’s a great opportunity to hunt some big bulls in southern New Mexico. We only take a few hunters at a time on this private ranch, which is home to a great population of elk. The hunt takes place in one of the state’s premier elk units. We still have a few spots left for the archery and rifle hunts. The late season hunting here is awesome!
Archery: September 1-5, September 7-11, September 15-19, September 20-24
Rifle: October 1-5, October 23-27, October 30 – November 3, November 13-17, December 6-10.
Give one of our consultants a call today to learn more about these elk hunting opportunities. Our toll free number is 1-800-346-8747.