Find Fish – All Summer Long!

What is the next body of water on your “to-do” list, or what is the next species on your bucket list?  The summer is far from over and there are so many opportunities to get yourself on the water to enjoy the best days of the year. Alaska is one...

Tarpon Fishing

Is Tarpon on your Bucket List?   If so, then a visit to this four-star jungle lodge in the Costa Rican rainforest is a must do!   There may be no other place on the planet that offers more consistent fishing for these giant silver kings than Costa Rica’s Atlantic coast. ...

A Saltwater Flats Trip – The Perfect Family Fishing Vacation!

Time is more precious than anything and careful planning is required when it comes to taking time off from work and choosing the right family getaway. More and more fishing lodges are catering to the non-fishing spouse and even families. So, when a customer calls in asking me for my...

The World’s Best Sailfishing

This winter seems like it just will not let go, and in my part of the country, we have only seen the sun about 7 times since December. It has been cold, wet and dreary. Through the past 3 months, I have had one thing to really look forward to,...

Tired of Winter Yet?

As this blog comes together today, it is a blistering 3-degrees Fahrenheit here in western Nebraska.  Days, weeks, and seasons like this really get me thinking “Is there a way to skip the worst parts of winter?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the “Whoa-is-me” guy.  I enjoy winter.  I...

Offshore Fishing’s New Hot Spot

At WTA we are always looking for that next great location to send our clients for both hunting and fishing. We take vetting locations and outfitters very serious, so after I heard a lot of buzz about the incredible billfishing around FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices) off the shore of Costa...

Fishing Alaska – Because You Should!

Fishing Alaska - Because You Should! by Tony Witte, Outdoor Adventures Consultant - Fishing & Wingshooting If you love to fish like I do, you already have favorite locations etched into your brain.  I have had many opportunities to visit and fish some of the best waters in this country,...

5 Best Fishing Destinations in Alaska

Think you've seen all Alaska has to offer for amazing fishing trips? If you haven't fished in these locations, you're missing out! 1. Nushagak River Fishing on the Nushagak River is a unique experience. While it boasts the largest run of king salmon in the state, you can also catch...

Guest Post: Change of Pace

by Nathan Mrnak, WTA's Director of Operations We have just made it through another year of winter and are approaching spring & summer at what seems to be a blistering pace.  This last week’s warmer temperatures put some much needed spring cleaning and boat maintenance in overdrive  for many of my...

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