Zambia Safari, A True African Hotspot

Back in September, I accompanied a close friend and loyal WTA Client, “B”, on her first African Safari. We hunted with WTA’s go-to-guy in Zambia (PH Jason), and the hunt just felt charmed. This was my 30th safari, and I have to say that the Luangwa Valley of Zambia maybe...

The Journey Within, A Bird Hunter’s Diary- Wyoming has long been known to have some of the best big game hunting in North America, but it is often overlooked for the quality and diversity of its upland hunting opportunities.  In reality there are very few areas that offer the diversity in upland species and terrain for an...

Father and Son Black Bear Hunt in Saskatchewan

One of the things I truly enjoy in life is being able to join my children in the Great Outdoors. Our life seems to get busier every day, especially as my children grow older and they seem to have either a sport practice, game or a school event just about...

A Family Safari – Part II

Part II - By Tim Herald   We switched camps the next morning, and settled in to my good friend Andrew Pringle’s camp in the mountains of the Bansviaar River Conservancy after a superb lunch of shephard’s pie and fresh salad. Andrew has set himself apart from most outfitters in...

Archery Elk Season is Right Around the Corner!

Boy, do I wish I had an elk tag in my pocket for this upcoming season!  After the severe drought and dismal antler growth year of 2018, this upcoming hunting season is shaping up to be incredible!  The majority of the Western states have seen consistent moisture from an above...

Find Fish – All Summer Long!

What is the next body of water on your “to-do” list, or what is the next species on your bucket list?  The summer is far from over and there are so many opportunities to get yourself on the water to enjoy the best days of the year. Alaska is one...

New Zealand’s South Island Hunting – Red Stag, Tahr and More

May 29 - June 6, 2019 Trip Report- Travis Baker New Zealand is paradise for the outdoor enthusiast.  Whether it's big game hunting, fishing, waterfowl, adventure travel, or simply taking in the sights and sounds, a trip to this pristine country is a must!  It was long overdue, but I...

Moose Hunting this Fall

Archery moose hunting during the rut is one of the most exciting hunts in North America. To increase your odds of success, you need to concentrate on areas with high moose densities. This Alberta operation is located in a very unique area; private lands, low wolf density, agricultural fields surrounded...

Turkey Slams

Here at WTA, we book a pile of hunting and fishing trips each year, and it never fails that turkey hunts are one of our most popular offerings. There is a myriad of reasons for the popularity of turkey hunting. Its another species to chase when the elk and deer have their...


With the first turkey season of the year opening in Florida, it was easy to decide that my first Turkey hunt of the Spring would be for an Osceola turkey in central Florida.  The southern zones of Florida open up the first week of March, which is much earlier than...

2019 Is Shaping up to be an Incredible Elk Season

2018 was one of the driest years we’ve seen in recent history, especially across the southwest.  Some of the old time outfitters in New Mexico’s Gila said they had never seen it that dry.  Last Spring while driving through New Mexico and into eastern Arizona for a black bear hunt...

Tired of Winter Yet?

As this blog comes together today, it is a blistering 3-degrees Fahrenheit here in western Nebraska.  Days, weeks, and seasons like this really get me thinking “Is there a way to skip the worst parts of winter?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the “Whoa-is-me” guy.  I enjoy winter.  I...

Oregon Blacktail Deer

The Pacific Ghost, as the Columbia Blacktail is known, inhabits the Pacific coast line from as far north as central British Columbia to as far south as the central part of California.  The range of the Columbia Blacktail is no more than a couple of hundred miles inland from the...

WTA TAGS – Kansas Whitetail Outfitter

Kansas has long been regarded as one of the premier areas on the planet to have a crack at a truly giant whitetail. We here at WTA TAGS have a truly special offering for the 2019 season. This long time partner of WTA TAGS has been unmatched on success and...

“Private Land” New Mexico Desert Sheep

Commonly referred to as the “Slam Ram”, the Desert sheep is often times the last sheep on a hunters list to complete their Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep.Desert sheep tags are notoriously difficult to draw in the United States and auction tags are sold for exorbitant amounts of...

Chamois Hunting in France/ WTA Exclusive

When you think of European or mountain hunting, France usually isn’t one of the top destinations that is talked about.   I had thought France would be a hard country to bring firearms to.  I figured that the country wouldn’t be very hunter friendly.  I even doubted, as compared to other...

Saskatchewan Whitetail

There is something about whitetail hunting in Saskatchewan that has fascinated me for as long as I can remember.  Just seeing photos of old, big bodied, chocolate antlered, giant bucks is something that gets the blood pumping in all hunters.  This past fall my schedule finally worked out for me,...

Alaska Reindeer Hunting

As a hunting consultant in the industry for over 20 years, I have seen a lot of hunting patterns change. Unfortunately, one of the biggest changes has been in caribou hunting across North America. Call it what you want, global warming, predation, over hunting, government politics, special interest groups, migration...

Australia- Hunting the Wilds of the Northern Territory

This past Summer I had the opportunity to travel with my Father and Brother-in-Law to the Northern Territory of Australia in pursuit of water buffalo and Banteng.  As we set out on our journey the excitement built, but like a lot of adventures there was a bit of travel involved;...

Triple Threat- Archery Antelope

In his quest for the North America 29 x 3, by taking each with a Rifle, Muzzleloader & Bow, Mark Peterson shares his hunt stories we call “Triple Threat”. There are a lot of great options when looking at where to hunt antelope.  In my opinion, Colorado, New Mexico and...

Offshore Fishing’s New Hot Spot

At WTA we are always looking for that next great location to send our clients for both hunting and fishing. We take vetting locations and outfitters very serious, so after I heard a lot of buzz about the incredible billfishing around FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices) off the shore of Costa...

Wyoming All Species Points Only

Without question, the Consulting team at WTA TAGS field more phone calls on Wyoming hunting opportunities than any other state in the West.  This can be attributed to the diverse hunting opportunities that exist across this game-rich state. Wyoming truly offers a hunt that falls under every sportsmen’s bucket list...

Alaska Caribou – Why you Should be Applying in This Trophy Unit

When I first got started in this industry nearly 20 years ago, you could hunt just about anywhere in the “North Country” and come home with a couple of nice caribou.  Unfortunately, those days are long gone.  Climate change, pressure, subsistence hunting, over grazing, predation have all played roles in...

Tanzania – New Area – Great Price, Lots of Buffalo

Tanzania – new area- great prices, lots of buffalo I just returned from a trial run on a new area in Tanzania with one of our favorite outfitters.. Our outfitter took over Nalika WMA last year toward the end of season, so this was the first season to go full...

Fishing Alaska – Because You Should!

Fishing Alaska - Because You Should! by Tony Witte, Outdoor Adventures Consultant - Fishing & Wingshooting If you love to fish like I do, you already have favorite locations etched into your brain.  I have had many opportunities to visit and fish some of the best waters in this country,...

Baited Black Bear Hunting In the Canadian Wilderness

Baited Black Bear Hunting In the Canadian Wilderness Time to Emerge From Your Den! By Jason Berger - Manager, WTA Outdoor Adventures Over the past decade and a half, I’ve recommended fully guided hunting trips to thousands of sportsmen. I’ve heard it all, up-to and including, “I want to hunt...

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